I’ve been honored to have some of my work published recently. I’d be remiss if I didn’t share the love with you.
First up I have some good old-fashioned trans masc mushroom horror with my story “The Parasitium” in Dark Spores released by Crone Girls Press. There’s tattoos and breakups in this one – a classic combination!
Next I have a story in And One Day We Will Die, an anthology inspired by the music of Neutral Milk Hotel. My tale, “The Polyamorous Heart of Death”, is inspired by the song “Holland, 1945”, and received a call-out in a recent review by Wyatt Towns.
And from Pride With a Bite, I have a poem, “love hates”, in their soon-to-be released charity anthology We Bite Back. Proceeds will be donated to Human Rights Campaign.
I’ve received a couple of truly exciting acceptances that I can’t talk about yet, but can’t wait to share with you all.
Thank you for supporting trans art in this fucked-up and trying time. If you’d like to purchase a copy of my book, Infinity Mathing at the Shore & Other Disruptions, you can get it at Weirdpunk Books, through online vendors like Barnes and Noble, or you can request a copy to read at your local library and check it out for free! Either way, I’d appreciate it. <3
Author Wendy N. Wagner recently started a thread on BlueSky where a bunch of non-binary and trans authors and artists have shared their work. Threads like this are a great way to discover new artists and support them. I recommend checking it out.
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