Meat Thoughts

Miscellaneous thoughts by author, poet, and scientific illustration student M.Lopes da Silva

Before I get into it I’d like to point out that I added a poem, “I’m trans, so”, to the citizen trans project that new words press is hosting. There’s a lot of raw emotion and power being posted up there by trans people reacting to Trump’s re-election – I suggest checking it out. This…

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January 2025 Wrap-Up

Before I get into it I’d like to point out that I added a poem, “I’m trans, so”, to the citizen trans project that new words press is hosting. There’s a lot of raw emotion and power being posted up there by trans people reacting to Trump’s re-election – I suggest checking it out.

This month I completed writing three short stories and five poems. I also made progress on a couple of bigger writing projects that I’ve been working on. The words have been flowing.

I tried to schedule recording my audiobook but ran into a couple of problems along the way (January has been A LOT, to put it very mildly), but look forward to completing some more progress in that goal soon. I have done some really cozy research in the process, so that’s a nice bonus.

Scientific illustration has been going well, although I find it difficult to keep my eyes focused on intense detail work after a few hours. It’s giving me flashbacks to my animation grad school days, which is probably a warning sign to take better care of my eyes. I’m trying to take regular breaks and look off into the middle distance periodically, but I probably need a new prescription for my glasses, too. Ah, the joys of living.

In true writer fashion I have some fun news I can’t announce yet, but trust me, it’s pretty fun! May the promise of such delights keep you coming back to these meat thoughts for more – yes – heeheehoohahahaaa!

Honestly, with social media being as uncertain as it is, and Substack being problematic, I recommend finding some authors or artists who have blogs and following them. It’s nice to be able to find the art that moves you. (Nice is an insufficient adjective here, but also humble and kind-hearted, and I think that is correct)

I’m grateful for my partners and friends – their love has been a life raft in this rough sea. Hope you’re making it through with your crew, too, even if it’s just you. <3

A laptop screen displaying the new words press website's citizen trans project, with M. Lopes da Silva's poem "I'm trans, so" in the bottom center

One response to “January 2025 Wrap-Up”

  1. Vale Avatar

    I’ve been following your blog for a little bit now and honestly? I agree with you in doing that kind of thing for other authors and people you enjoy. These updates are something I look forward to and am happy to see. I’m also trans and have So Many Feelings about the US right now, but one of the things that is bringing me comfort is seeing and hearing from other trans people who are still here. Maybe they’re scared, hurting, or angry, but they are all still trying to live on as well, and I think that it’s important to surround yourself with things like that in whatever way works best for you.

    On a semi-related note, this does remind me that I want to start using my blog for things besides logging short fiction I read. I should do that.

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